"It is in giving, that we receive."
Keep calm and always servIam

How it begins?
Serviam as life-style
Serviam, a symbol of Ursuline schools around the world, which Mother General M. St. Jean Martin entrusted to Ursuline students everywhere in 1931. Serviam should be the emblems in Ursuline students' hearts throughout their lives. The Serviam symbol consists of a cross and seven stars.
The cross represents Christ's campaign to serve all mankind, the service of Jesus Christ by submitting to his death on the cross. It is the ultimate expression of love and sacrifice that any person can make for others.
The seven stars on the Serviam symbol represent Saint Ursula, patroness of the Ursuline Order.
This Serviam motto is the focal point of the Order of the Ursulines' hopes for all its students. It is to instill in every alumna an imitation of Christ in the service of God, nation and fellow human beings.
Serviam means I want to serve and to know more about the schools involved in the project, read more.
The logo of our project
Logo for ServIam
At the beginning of our project there was a competition for all four schools to create a logo which will be used for our common project. From each school we chose three logos and then students and teachers voted for final logo. The author of chosen one is student from Poland and her name is Zuzanna Nowara.
The logo contains the flags of all four countries involved in the project and flag of European Union. The name ServIam with the big I give different meaning to this word though which we want to underline the importance of human being.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
Mahátmá Gándhi
What do we expect from this project?
Our motivation is to give young people of Europe the possibility to touch different realities in our society and accept challenges. Through this to form them for the better future, so they may become mature and responsible citizens, who will not be indifferent to the struggles and problems of others, but rather with hearts and minds open for others.
The personal experience and sharing among peers is the best way to prepare them to take responsibility in our society and in our common home - the Earth. Especially in these uncertain days of Coronavirus we are experiencing a need for well-prepared volunteers who could serve properly during a time which leaves many paralyzed. This project represents a way how to form young volunteers aware of the bigger European picture.

What it will bring to us?
Through self-knowledge activities - my qualities, who I am, my strengths and weaknesses - people discover the richness inside of themselves. This knowledge enables them to find the most suitable way of self-development and finally the most suitable way to use their talents to help and serve others.
Self-knowledge is necessary but a constant progress in self-development is crucial. We encourage young people to have self development goals and continue to work on the qualities they find beneficial and are rooted in them. Furthermore, we can achieve a lot more by working together, by collaborating. There will be team-building activities focused on group work, collaboration, respectfulness, attitude towards authority, workshops, engagement in nonprofit organizations; reflection and sharing of experiences; service not FOR the community but IN and WITH the community; to shift from I to WE and from MINE to OURS. We have experienced that many young people are open for voluntary work but it is very common that they burn out rather quickly because they are underprepared for the task. Also we are aware of those who would like to serve but lack the courage to approach strangers. Therefore, one part of the program is solely focused on the service to our common home, mother Earth, to help the environment around us.
In each school, we want to bring together a team of people who will serve in a wider area. Not focusing only on one kind of need, but on a wider scale. These teams will first try to observe the needs in their local society, next to identify and analyze them properly and then to plan the actual help process (it is not only a search for a solution of the situation). Every participants will receive proper training needed for the service: in psychological area (what are the obstacles we might face while working with others, how to deal with the inability or impossibility to provide help, how to identify the priorities, accept and ask for the help), in economical area (funding and crowd-raising, money vs food), in social area (communication skills, collaboration and team-building, couching and to leadership of others in the service) - all three areas are necessary for building a strong and effective team. It is to be realized that as individual persons we have a minimal scope and impact. On the other hand, when collaborating, we achieve much more in a team and by being an inspiring example for others. We will discover common values, it will foster civic engagement and responsible citizenship. Sharing our experience will empower young people to see the needs around us and to be involved in society. Thanks to the internationality of the project, they will experience the needs of other European countries, understand other cultural approaches. Active communication and study of project materials will help improve foreign language skills of all participants (students, teachers, parents), since English is a foreign language for all of us.